The Infinite Perfection of our God

Cathédrale d'Auch 20
Relief, Auch Cathedral, France: the Ark of the Covenant
Ever since the first man and woman, endowed with a spiritual soul, people have understood that there must be a God, and have tried to understand what He must be like. In His infinite generosity, God has not left us in the dark, but has revealed Himself to us to teach us Who He is and how we might properly know, love and serve Him.

This revelation was given to the priests and prophets of the Old Testament and finally in the person of Jesus Christ who is truly God made man. Christ in turn founded the Church so that His teaching may be given authentically down the ages.

We know from these sources that God is infinite in all perfections. He is limitless goodness, love, truth power and beauty. This is not merely a theoretical affirmation, it is central to how we must relate to God; we must trust Him absolutely and without reserve, bow down with a holy fear in awe of His goodness and beauty, and return with all our hearts that undeserved love which he pours out upon us.

In our daily lives, we are guided by the commandments of God and the moral teaching of His Church, and when we sin, we may call confidently on His infinite mercy towards those who repent with sincere sorrow. In our worship, we offer Him the adoration, praise, and thanksgiving which are His due. Our faith is a cause for rejoicing, since, as Moses proclaimed, and Our Lord shows in the flesh, our God is so close to us as to dwell with us on earth and invite us to His company in heaven.