Joining the Angels in Praise and Glory

The Mystical Nativity
Sandro Botticelli. Mystic Nativity. c.1500. National Gallery, London
We are blessed in England with a fine collection of popular carols which tell out the story of the nativity, foster our affections towards the infant Christ and lead us to pray; all the while expressing the doctrinal truth of our faith with clarity and simplicity.

We affirm that “He came down to earth from heaven, who is God and Lord of all”, the fundamental truth of Christmas; within a manger lies He who built the starry skies. The humble surroundings of the stable, the poor bed of the manger, the silent adoration of the animals, are contrasted with the Lord of heaven and earth, our creator.

These marvels are not presented to us simply as events to study, but as the wonderful actions of God who loves us and wills to bring us the fullness of life, health and abundance. Christ is our Redeemer, before whose grace sin departs; by Him, God and sinners are reconciled. Silently, “God imparts to human hearts the blessings of His heaven” and we ask Him, the incarnate Deity, to abide with us as Emmanuel.

Recalling how the angels sang “Glory to God in the highest”, we join our voices to theirs to praise and glorify our Saviour, mindful that as we lovingly recall His first coming in lowliness and poverty, we must ask Him to lead us on to heaven, to join the angels once again, crowned as His children, our robes washed in the blood of the lamb. May the celebration of Christmas renew our spiritual lives, and bind us more closely in the following of Christ, loving Him with all our hearts.