Consoling the Heart of Christ

Gethsemane Carl Bloch
Carl Heinrich Bloch. Kristus i Getsemane (1873) Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle

On Laetare Sunday a note of joy enters our penitential season. This is fitting because the purpose of our penance is to grow in the love of Christ which brings joy to the depth of our soul even if we suffer through worldly troubles. Our purpose in this life is to know, love and serve God in joy and peace of spirit.

Our Lord humbled Himself to come among us as a man, and still more, to be present until the end of time in the most Blessed Sacrament. He even gives us the privilege of helping Him in His work for the salvation of souls, and of reparation for our sins and the sins of others, by consoling His heart with our prayers, penances, and good deeds.

In the garden of Gethsemane, an angel from heaven strengthened and comforted Our Lord during the agony He suffered through His awareness of the damage of sin. Our own prayers and good actions were also foreseen by Our Lord and consoled Him along with the angel.

This consideration can help us to be generous by making the effort to meditate on the Stations of the Cross, or by spending a little time in Church before or after Mass to savour the presence of the Lord. Our own generosity in loving Christ is cherished by Him for eternity.