Love and Reverence for the Living God

João Zeferino da Costa - Moisés recebendo as tábuas da lei - 1868
João Zeferino da Costa. Moses receiving the tablets of the law. (1868)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church uses the ten commandments as a structural summary of our life in Christ. The first commandment is “I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.” and the second is “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.”

Our first duty is to recognise and know the one true God. Our spiritual life is not based on a myth, but on the living God who created the universe, and who loves us. As Christians, we especially value science because it teaches us something of the magnificence of God’s creation.

The second commandment teaches us to show reverence for God. He did indeed humble Himself to come close to us, being born in human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, but He remains almighty, eternal, and infinite in every perfection.

We show our love and reverence in the worship that we give, and our devout attitude in prayer. In our daily lives, reverence is also marked by a holy fear which is a powerful motive against offending our loving Father.