Opening our Eyes to the Joy of Heaven

Wilton diptych; right-hand panel
Wilton diptych, right-hand panel (1395-99). National Gallery, London

It is impossible for us here on earth to imagine the joy of heaven. However, there are some things that we know from the teaching of Our Lord and His Church. The company of heaven will be the best possible communion of true joy because all those present are angels and saints. Infinitely greater than this, those in heaven enjoy the vision of God face to face and the full knowledge of His love: truly “the greatest love of all.”

To meditate upon heaven is important for us because it helps us to assess rationally the lesser desires that we have here on earth: desires which sometimes actually take us away from the path to heaven. The saints, by their willingness to bear and offer up sufferings, give us an example of true longing for the eternal happiness God has prepared for us.

The blind man who was cured by Jesus was granted a new vision and filled with joy. This miracle teaches us that Our Lord will open our eyes to the true happiness that comes from knowing and loving Him.