The Perfect Humanity of Jesus Christ

The healing of a bleeding woman, Rome, Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter
The healing of the women with a haemorrhage. 4th century. Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter, Rome
Although it is true that in Jesus Christ, God has become ‘a man like us’ it is misleading if we forget that He is in some respects unique as a man. Jesus Christ is one divine person in whom the human nature and the divine nature are united without being merged or confused.

Perhaps the simplest way to understand this is to remember always that we adore Jesus Christ as truly God and we do not adore any other human being in that way. We honour the saints and especially Our Blessed Lady, but they are infinitely less than God and they pray for us in heaven to be united to God.

During His life on earth, Our Lord was free from sin: it is impossible for God made man to turn against God. He continually enjoyed the immediate vision of the Father and He possessed divine power and knowledge.

Our Lord suffered, was hungry, grew in human experience, and had human emotions. These were all at the service of His divine mission to redeem us from our sins and to share with us His divine life by giving Himself to us in the Holy Eucharist.