The Inspiration of the Holy Family

Juan Simon Gutierrez. The Holy Family (1643-1718)

By choosing to be born in a human family, Our Lord affirms the perennial value of the family as created in the beginning. For Him to be truly man, he was conceived and born of a human mother. For Him to be truly God, that conception was brought about not by the marriage act but be the unique intervention of the Holy Spirit who overshadowed the Virgin Mary.

Nevertheless, Our Lord chose to call Saint Joseph to continue in his vocation to be the husband of Our Lady so that he would also be a foster-father who would complete the family and provide a proper environment for the human growth and development for a child.

Our Lady, who was immaculately conceived, and St Joseph, who was a great saint, provided a perfect home for Our Lord. We are not perfect, of course, but as sinners, we take heart from the love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in our struggles to imitate in our own families the love and consideration of the Holy Family. We should pray often to them, asking for their prayers and inspiration both now and at the hour of our death.