The Canon of the Holy Mass


The central and most important prayer of the Mass is the Canon or Eucharistic Prayer. It is the most sublime and fruitful prayer that can be made on earth. We pray to the Father that our prepared oblation will be accepted and will become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ, offered for us in sacrifice. Our prayer is heard by the Father, and we bow down in adoration.

In the Canon, we pray for the Church, including all the baptised who are living in communion with her. Those who participate in the Mass with faith and devotion are especially favoured. We also include the faithful departed in our prayers, asking for heaven for them.

We join our prayers to those of Our Lady and all the saints, singling out for mention the apostles and some of the notable early Christian martyrs as representatives.

During this great prayer, we must unite ourselves with the offering of Our Lord which is made present, praise thank and adore Him, and ask for forgiveness and grace.