Praying for the Souls of Those who Fell

Father William Doyle
Father William Doyle

This year on Remembrance Sunday, we focus especially on the end of the first World War. Along with so many in Europe and throughout the world, we remember those who died, give thanks for their sacrifice, and pray for peace, especially in those parts of the world that are today afflicted by warfare.

Among the many inspiring stories of that time is the life of Fr William Doyle, a Jesuit priest who followed those in his care up to the front line and beyond, ministering the sacraments and assisting in looking after the wounded. He was killed by a shell at Passchendaele while in no-man’s land, attempting to rescue the wounded. He was posthumously awarded the Military Cross.

As Catholics, while we join others in remembering, we also do something more, as indicated by our faith in the infinite mercy of God. As well as remembering, we also pray for the deceased, asking God to grant them eternal rest. Our prayers are of great value to the Holy Souls, and today especially, to those who fell in the service of their country.