St James makes a strong case, when he presents the example of ‘someone who has never done a single good act but claims that he has faith’ (cf. Js 2:14-18). It is an exhortation to all, to live out the faith through good deeds as opposed to speaking empty words devoid of good deeds which amount to nothing. ‘What good is that? Faith is like that: if good works do not go with it, it is quite dead. Worse still, claiming to have faith when all that one does is mock, or taunt or inflict pain on others. Such faith will not save anyone. The psalmist speaks of such when he writes, ‘they surrounded me, the snares of death, with the anguish of the tomb; they caught me sorrow and distress’. In the face of such, we remember to ‘call on the Lord’s name. O Lord my God, deliver me’ (cf. Ps 114:1-6).
Beloved People of God, every good thought, word or deed, has its origin in God who is the Highest Good (Summum Bonum). God is good, always and everywhere. We must not isolate good deeds from good thoughts. The natural process is that good thoughts ought to nourish good words and should translate ultimately in a good deed. That is why we need a consistency that connects the three. It simply means that no one is exempt from living the faith. The ideal thing is to bring alive through our good deeds the good thoughts and the kind words. Good deeds must be informed by good thoughts.
We must not be among those who strike other people’s back, who tear at their beards, those who insult others, pouring spittle on their face. Instead, may God grant us a mind that conceives goodness, a heart that nurtures it and a will that puts it into action, bringing it alive through co-operation with the grace of God.
Fr. Ted
All to Jesus – Through Mary our Mother
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
15th September 2024
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