When one of the seraphim touched the mouth of the prophet Isaiah with a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar, we read, ‘Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for’ (cf Is 6:12a, 3-8). That burning coal can be interpreted as the burning love of God which comes from the altar as from the heart of God himself. It wipes sins away, consumes and overwhelms the heart, filling it with a willingness that has ears only for what the Lord commands. Such love that can turn Saul from all that is known about him to St. Paul. It can change fishermen into fishers of men. This love of God does not change.
Beloved People of God, history has shown that God calls people to himself. He draws anyone to himself, using anything, any means that he chooses. He can even attract to himself through an overwhelming abundance. Yet, when captured by the immensity of this love, sins are wiped off. They cease to exist. Our richest gains count as nothing. The world’s greatest riches are looked upon as worthless …….garbage. The real tragedy then is in the loss of this love of Jesus, losing favour with him, as it were. The disciples left everything and followed him. The Scripture says, ‘and when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him’ (cf. Lk 5:11). One truly in love with our Blessed Lord, goes wherever he leads and does whatever he says.
We pray to catch the fire of his love. May the Lord touch our lips, our hearts. When we hear his voice asking, ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us? May we be able, willing and eager to respond, ‘here I am! Send me. Thus shall we leave everything and follow him.
Fr. Ted
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