20 +

Selfless volunteers
serving the parish.
It is almost impossible to help ourselves without first helping others. It is impossible to be truly converted to God without being thereby truly converted to our neighbour.
All Volunteer Opportunities
There are many things that need to be done to ensure the smooth running of the two churches in our Parish. Tidying, cleaning, arranging flowers and keeping up with candles. They may not seem like big jobs but they all need doing and they need doing all of the time. There is already a fine band of individuals that help regularly and perhaps you can join their number. It is always good to be part of a group.
Youth ministry is very rewarding. Working with the youth of today, who will be the decision-makers of the future. Work with us to make better choices for all our tomorrows.
Our incredibly important foodbank needs people who can sort, stack, move and distribute the gifts we are donated to help the people it needs to get to. Can you help us? It can be as much or as little as you want.
The people of our parish have everything associated with life, births, deaths and everything in-between. There are always records to be updated, checks to be done and tasks that need to be completed. Can you give freely of your time to help? Are you organised?
Can you sing? Would others agree with you? We would love you to come and join our choirs so that people can sing at mass and celebrate musically with us. We have choirs at both church sites.