The Last and Greatest of the Prophets

Domenico Ghirlandaio - Preaching of St John the Baptist - WGA8864
Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-194). Preaching of St John the Baptist. Tornabuini Chapel, Santa Maria Novella, Florence.
The dedication of great Churches and Colleges, and our patrimony of Christian art, witness to the veneration which was given to St John the Baptist throughout the history of Christendom. We have perhaps lost this to a degree, and need to understand why he is such a great figure for us.

St John the Baptist was the cousin of Jesus Christ and recognised Him even before birth, leaping in the womb joyfully at the presence of the Word of God made flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary. He was a holy ascetic who lived in community according to an austere rule of prayer and self-denial.

The holiness of his life was fitting for his vocation as the last and greatest of the prophets. Our Lord said that there was no man born of woman who was greater than him. Finally, he gave his life in witness to Christ, after having been the “voice crying in the wilderness” who announced the coming of the Messiah.

To prepare the people for Christ, St John carried out a baptism of repentance and conversion, at which people confessed their sins and began a new way of life. It was a great privilege granted to him to baptise Our Lord Himself, manifesting His divine nature and marking the beginning of His public ministry.

In the Year of Mercy announced by Pope Francis, which begins on Tuesday, we are also called to repentance and to a conversion of life in the following of Christ. Echoing the words of St John the Baptist, we pray “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.”