Our Lord’s Peace in Time of Sickness

Christ Healing the Mother of Simon Peter’s Wife by John Bridges
John Bridges. Christ Healing the Mother of Simon Peter’s Wife (1839) Birmingham Museum of Art
After his resurrection, Our Lord promised peace to the apostles of a kind that the world cannot give. When sickness, that most of us have from time to time, disturbs our life, we can find peace in the Lord by offering up our sufferings in union with His own sufferings for our redemption.

Our Lord also instituted the sacrament of anointing the sick. Although this sacrament is celebrated only for those in some danger of death, it is not the same as the “last rites” when death is imminent. At that time, the beautiful prayer of commendation and the apostolic blessing are offered.

The sacrament of anointing is a sacrament of healing: primarily for the forgiveness of our sins and for cleansing us of the remnants of sin left behind when we have repented insufficiently, and failed to make proper reparation for the harm that we have done. If it is for the good of the soul, the sacrament can also bring about physical healing by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Holy anointing also consecrates us at a time of serious illness in preparation for our death if it should be God’s will to call us to Himself. A person who dies after anointing is fully prepared for eternal life and therefore we should not delay in asking for this sacrament.

The Church’s care for the sick is part of our witness to the sanctity of human life. Rather than make ourselves into gods by bringing death about, we commend our souls to the will of God, knowing that He wills to bring us eternal happiness.