Jesus brings us life more abundant

Angels in adoration of the Eucharist, which is presented on Wellcome V0035755

During Lent, we rightly look forward to the celebration of the Passion of the Lord and repent of our sins, but on Laetare Sunday, the mood of the sacred Liturgy is lifted up towards the promised land of heaven and the joy that we look forward to thanks to Our Lord’s victory over the evil one.

In the desert, the Israelites fed on manna provided by the Lord. This heavenly food was sufficient for them but it ceased when they entered the promised land and fed on the produce of Canaan. The progress of the Israelites and the provision made for them foreshadows the work of Christ in the New Testament.

The Blessed Eucharist is the fulfilment of the manna from heaven. It is truly the bread of angels because it is the living body and blood of Our Lord Himself. As spiritual food, it is sufficient for us in the desert of this world as we look forward to the fulfilment of the heavenly Jerusalem. In heaven, there will no longer be any need for the sacraments because we will see God face to face and live on the presence and vision of God.

Our Lord promised this when He said “I came that they may have life, and life more abundant.” (Jn 10.10) The discipline of Lent is given to us to help us to renounce the false promises of the devil, the world and the flesh which offer us various forms of pleasure that are enticing in the short term but wholly fail to bring us any lasting happiness or fulfilment. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, and in Him we find the true joy for which the Father has created us.